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Safer Play for our Spartans

At Spartan Soccer, we are very mindful of the impact that COVID-19 continues to have on all our families and whilst a vaccine program has been rolled out, it is still going to take some time to get back to a new 'normal'.

So what are we doing at Spartan Soccer to help ensure our players feel safe on the fields when the season starts? The answer is lots, from restricting team sizes for our first season to keep numbers small, maintaining 'team bubbles', staggering practice start times, providing all of our Spartans with their own face mask, practicing and encouraging social distancing throughout the club and so on.

Our Spartans are what is important and both them and their families knowing that we as a club are doing what we can to ensure they can play safe.

It is of course a joint effort and we are not the COVID Police, however with the club and the parents of the Spartans leading by example we can have an impact. See our 'more info' page for further details on what we are doing for our Spartans.

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